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Shinto Myomoku Ruijusho

Mochimasa Hichita (attributed), Shintō Myōmoku Ruijushō (神道名目類聚抄), 1702 CE (1714 CE edition)

The six-volume Shinto dictionary Shinto Myomoku Ruijusho was published in 1702. On display here is a slightly later edition from 1714.

Many of the images on the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum website are available for reproduction. Please contact us for more information.

This is an important publication within Shinto teachings. It contains information on all kinds of contemporary Shinto customs and an explanation of Shinto terminology. Shinto Myomoku Ruijusho is divided into six topics:

  1. shrines and temples
  2. sacred treasures
  3. ritual utensils (including those made of hemp)
  4. priestly robes and kami
  5. rituals and priests
  6. miscellaneous

Shinto Myomoku Ruijusho is richly illustrated. It contains pictures of different types of torii, buildings at Shinto shrines, sacred trees, and other important places and items within Shinto.

Part three describes ritual objects used in cleansing ceremonies, known as onusa, konusa, and kirinusa. It is clear that hemp was still an essential component of these tools in the early 1700s. To make an onusa, “Seima [hemp bark] is attached to the branch of the Sakaki tree, shide [paper strip] is attached to thin bamboo, and the two are bundled together.” The konusa is “used for purification practices”. Kirinusa serves as an offering to the kami. It consists of small pieces of hemp paper, rice, and leaves from the sacred Sakaki tree.

On loan from Yuko Ogino.

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