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Kogo Shui

Inbe no Hironari, Kogo Shui (古語拾遺), originally published 807 CE 

This copy of Kogo Shui dates from 1870. The book contains many mentions of the use of hemp in Shinto rituals. Kogo Shui  is an account of the history of the Inbe clan. According to tradition, they are descended from Futodama, an important kami. Members of this clan have long performed Shinto rituals and ceremonies for the imperial court.

Many of the images on the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum website are available for reproduction. Please contact us for more information.

Some stories are unique to Kogo Shui, making it a valuable source of early Japanese history. It covers events from the time of the creation of heaven and earth all the way to the period just before its publication in 807 CE. It is likely that the Inbe clan wanted a record of their existence all the way back to their heavenly ancestors to demonstrate that they were the best choice to perform Shinto services for the court.

On loan from Yuko Ogino.

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