Green Light District
A verdant oasis in Amsterdam’s vibrant city centre
Within just a stone’s throw from the museum, you will find a variety of cannabis-focused venues.
Within just a stone’s throw from the museum, you will find a variety of cannabis-focused venues.
“It’s all about the plant.”
Photo: Robin Benzrihem.
In 1987, at the quieter end of the Red Light District, entrepreneur Ben Dronkers planted a flag for cannabis by founding the Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum at Oudezijds Achterburgwal 148. This modest beginning was just the first of many cannabis-focused venues which would be opened on the canal in the years to come. In this vibrant part of the historic centre of the Dutch capital, you will find a verdant oasis where all of us can explore and experience every facet of the cannabis plant.
Gain in-depth knowledge by participating in special cannabis courses at the Cannabis College, or visit Europe’s oldest and most legendary cannabis seedbank, Sensi Seeds. Inspired by your tour, crown your experience by shopping for fair-trade hemp products and enjoying delicious coffee and hemp teas at the Hempstory boutique cafe.
Sensi Seeds, founded in 1985, pioneered the cannabis seed industry. Today, the company is the world’s largest cannabis seedbank with over 500 cannabis varieties, and four shops in Amsterdam and Barcelona. These genetics and the brand name have become true classics in the cannabis community. The Dutch government chose Sensi Seeds genetics to develop the medicinal cannabis supplied by pharmacies.
The Cannabis College in Amsterdam, along the same canal as the museum, offers advice on the safe use of recreational and medicinal cannabis, in addition to educating the public through classes, courses and tours. In the College’s basement you will find a beautiful, completely organic and fully-flowering cannabis garden. The Cannabis College was established by Henk Poncin in 1998.
In 2015, Ben Dronkers opened a cosy shop and mini-café located in the inner city of Amsterdam. He called it Hempstory and its story is being told by a wide selection of fine natural goods: clothes, food and drink, skin care products, print, accessories, all connected in their own way to hemp.
Sensi Seeds shop
Oude Doelenstraat 20
Mon-Sun 10:00-22:00
Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 148
Mon-Sun 10:00-22:00
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 142
Tue-Sat 11:00-19:00 | Sun-Mon 12:00-19:00
Cannabis College
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 124
Mon-Sat 11:00-19:00 | closed on Sundays
See live cannabis plants growing in our garden exhibit in Amsterdam.
Buy your ticket Plan your visitSign up to get the latest news about the museum, upcoming exhibitions and events.
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 148
+31 (0)20-6248926
Monday to Thursday: 12:00 – 20:00
Friday to Sunday: 10:00 – 22:00
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Carrer Ample 35
+34 93 319 75 39
Every day: 11:00 – 20:00
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