Visit us Safely
We are thrilled to welcome you back to the museum.
Capacity in our venues will be limited and visitor flow will be coordinated to maintain social distancing throughout the museum.

We are thrilled to welcome you back to the museum.
Capacity in our venues will be limited and visitor flow will be coordinated to maintain social distancing throughout the museum.
“It is important that we can open the museum to the public again. In these uncertain times, cannabis is a friend, not an enemy. It gives you an open heart, an open mind.”
Book online.
We encourage you to reserve a time to visit prior to arrival at the museum. Simply book your ticket online and present your e-ticket at entry.
Feeling sick?
Anyone feeling unwell, having mild cold-like symptoms or a fever will not be admitted. Please change your reservation to a later date by contacting +31 (0)20 244 2877 or
Sign up to get the latest news about the museum, upcoming exhibitions and events.
Oudezijds Achterburgwal 148
+31 (0)20-6248926
Monday to Thursday: 12:00 – 20:00
Friday to Sunday: 10:00 – 22:00
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Carrer Ample 35
+34 93 319 75 39
Every day: 11:00 – 20:00
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© 1987 - 2025 Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum. All Rights Reserved. CSS Status 404